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Stephanie's focus is to initiate and hold space for self healing and inner transformation. She has  spent over 25 years in the dual role of healing practitioner, (as a yogi and naturopath), and experiencer as a patient. Her awakening occurred in 2006 and amplified exponentially in 2015.


She knows fully the consequences of living in fear and unconscious mental patterns. She has learned to walk between worlds of eastern and western traditions while advocating for holistic interrelating, self healing and modern implementation process in the West. She has experienced and acknowledges her spiritual awakening and integration process were as if not more challenging than years in kidney failure and living on dialysis. She embodies what it takes to alchemize our mental shadows while facing complexity, while holding space for our true nature to compassionately emerge. 


She is the cofounder of Awakening Healthcare, an initiative, where she inspires healthcare providers and others patients to organize illness  stories in a way that promotes the power of the human spirit and renewal.  She coined the term subjective experiencer as a model of integrated story telling to build models of care more closely aligned with the aggregate of our illness population. A medical activist for patients and providers alike, she holds space for emotional, mental, and spiritual transformation within the healing process. She believes the model should be organized around the potential in illness and not the brokenness. Illness is merely a messenger of truth that has yet to be discovered.


In her personal work, she introduces and guides organizing principles related to coincidentia oppositorum." This was an important principle in Platonic philosophy and metaphysics. The union of opposing inner forces via tailored processes such as hemi-sync, initiation and trauma integration, seeing and guiding to break complex mental patterns, polarity mentorship, relationship evolution,  and the spiritualization process into our new era of conscious awareness that's rooted in a healthy self aware mind and regenerated heart.


*Stephanie has volunteered privately, in clinics, for Non Profits, and in conjunction with institutions and physicians as an "experiencer" at Johns Hopkins and Houston Methodist JC Walter Transplant Program



If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light

Matthew 6:22


Meet Stephanie MoDavis

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