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Sacred Healing

A path home for the spiritual seeker.

Sometimes healing requires something different.
Where to Begin Inner Work
Awakening Support and Conscious Coaching for those who have faced complexity integrating a healthy perception around failed relationship, chronic illness, systemic and institutional betrayal, and traumatic experience.


The world we were born into no longer exists. There is an emergent primordial quality that is shifting us away from our addition to egoic accumulation and calling us reconnect to our hearts and souls. There's a calling to embrace a more beautiful and authentic life.  

There is something that forever changes when you take radical responsibility for your thoughts, emotions, and actions and redirect your life in the direction of divine intelligence over what we have been told by society. 

There is something even more beautiful that occurs when you are willing to sacrifice an experience or  outlived identity for the sake of authenticity. When we question our reality as our perception begets to be broadened.

This forging in the fire takes you on a journey of a lifetime. There's great tasks as you defeat your own inner darkness as you are introduced to the light of your awareness, your true nature.

This shift is causing various breakdowns from personal to cultural as we catabolize and metabolize. Many are either overwhelmed or disoriented mentally and emotionally or fragmenting further into devolution, diversions, and neurosis.  This can be a natural effect but the issues arise when we resist or glorify  unconscious or trauma based experiences that proselytize money, power, and fame that are wielded inappropriately. 

This is sometimes referred to as having a spiritual awakening or in other circles can look like existential crisis. You may be completely breaking down and your life may be going with it. If you are amidst a great challenge and loss of life as you knew it, this is your sign. Weeding through the webs we weave amongst our story can be confusing, many attaining successes off the unconscious ways. But

in this perceived ending, you will discover it is actually the beginning. We work on creating a healthy relationship between your inner energies to cultivate a mind and body that directs its focus back to soul and spirit.  'The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master." -Robin Sharma

We are believers and faith based with an appreciation of the sacred feminine and masculine archetypes. A gorgeous and accessible template to unite our hearts and minds and reconnect to divine intelligence.

Read more about my passion in introducing the new paradigm of conscious awareness into the western medical model in About Me.

A Sacred Union Template based in ancient translations and organizing principles of  Spiritual Sciences.


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Still Life

Inner Transformation Mentor for the initiate

A Remembrance of the simple and sacred
We must always seek ways to grow our capacity for love.

Fostering a coherent future where the appreciation of divine intelligence and love are  understood, embodied, and valued.

Calling all deep thinkers, feelers, and philosophers embracing the fire of personal reconciliation and regeneration.

You are seen, loved, and acknowledged,

 with love, Stephanie

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